Creating riak nodes: bitcask version clash

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-25 04:53:09


I have installed riak on a Fedora 17 system (but not using the package manager) by following the standard instructions, i.e.:

$ wget
$ tar zxvf riak-1.2.1.tar.gz
$ cd riak-1.2.1
$ make all

This worked and I now tried to create four nodes as described in the Fast Track tutorial:

$ make devrel

This runs for a while and then produces the error below:

==> rel (generate)
ERROR: generate failed while processing /space/surechem/riak-1.2.1/rel: {'EXIT',{{badmatch,{error,"bitcask: Application version clash. Multiple directories contains version \"1.5.2\"."}},
make: *** [dev1] Error 1

I have difficulties understanding what that error message is trying to tell me.

Is this a version conflict with bitcask? The Fedora package erlang-bitcask is installed on the machine (erlang-bitcask-1.5.2-1.fc17.x86_64). Should it be removed? Do I need a different version of it?


Indeed this seems to be caused by conflicts with Erlang packages installed in the system. After removing the erlang-bitcask package from the system, I got similar error messages for other packages. In the end I had to remove four packages,

$ sudo yum remove erlang-bitcask erlang-ebloom erlang-js erlang-luke

to get it to work.

