Install file create by InstallShield 2012 sometimes did not get the proper INSTALLDIR when uninstall

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-25 04:40:55


I have one problem with InstallShield 2012.

I try to create an install file with InstallShield , this file runs fine in installation period , but when i use this file to do uninstall, it can't get the INSTALLDIR I chosen in UI during the install period.

And in additional, if i use the same InstallShield project to create install file, sometimes the output file can uninstall correctly, but sometime are not, i really feel confused.

I think the root cause is installer does not get the correct INSTALLDIR value,it get the default value but not the one input while installed.

Any idea about this issue?


To keep the InstallDir value, finally I got a workaround, we can add a component and set it's value as InstallDir, it solved my problem.

