Custom Lookup in dataweave

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-25 04:40:29


I have 2 field in the input, one is primary_language & the other is secondary_language. I have a case where I have to lookup values present in these two fields and then return a specific value according to the table. For example If primary language is English & secondary language is null then English will be the output & if primary language is Spanish & secondary is Sign then put None in the output & so on. Can one tell how we can perform this in dataweave in mulesoft.


Do you really have some more dynamic logic or its just the two conditions you mentioned above?

you can use when/otherwise or call another flow to get the value.

%dw 1.0
%output application/java

language: 'English' when (payload.primary == 'English' and payload.secondary is :null) 
                otherwise ('None' when payload.primary == 'Spanish' and payload.secondary == 'Sign'
                    otherwise ''

language2: lookup("testFlow",payload)


I would recommend to create another flow which performs this lookup for you (potentially you could do a database call, or something else like a groovy script), and store your values and what you expect to get returned based on those values. covers this concept a little bit, but the general idea is the following:

language: lookup("myLookupFlow", payload)

Then, all you need to do is query your dataset based on primary and secondary, and you will get your "transformed" value back.

