AngularJS set default selected option in dropdown

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-25 04:27:30


I am relatively new to AngularJS. Learning every bit of it. I have been worked on KnockoutJS for couple of years and find it comfortable to work on JavaScript.

I am working on a simple Task Manager app which has following JSON as a result on API call for individual task.

                      "Id": 1,
                      "title": "Culpa nisi irure qui consectetur non reprehenderit incididunt mollit voluptate culpa enim.",
                      "description" : "test description",
                      "owner": "Hunter Mcdonald",
                      "priority": 1,
                      "isActive": false,
                      "picture": "",
                      "registered": "2014-12-29T17:13:33"

The meaning of priority values is :

1 - High, 0 - Neutral, -1 - Low

The value that I receive from server is strictly in numerical..

However while building the edit form, I want to show these priorities in user understandable text i.e. "High", "Low", "Normal"

I have created array of objects to achieve this -

vm.priorityOptions = [
    { name: "low", value: -1 },
    { name: "normal", value: 0 },
    { name: "high", value: 1 }

Now, I want to select default selected priority from the API response I get that is "priority" : 1. Since it is numerical value, I don't know how can I select default selected option in vm.priorityOptions

Any help or helpful snippet on the same?


You can use ngOptions directive on <select>:

<select ng-options="item.value as for item in vm.priorityOptions" 

Here is a working plunker.


you can easily achieve this using ng-model

<select ng-model="serverResponse.priority">
       <option ng-repeat="item in priorities" value="{{item.value}}">{{}}</option>

serverResponse.priority will be automatically selected

