Matlab: gradient of a scalar field

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-25 04:27:23


I have a data in the following format.

x y density
. .   .
. .   .
. .   .

Here, density is the scalar. How to perform gradient on this dataset? I tried the gradient operator in Matlab. However, it returns only a scalar.

Note: Both x and y are uniformly spaced with unit spacing. The boundary points end as floating point numbers, as it is clipped data.


You can sort the rows of your data so that the data points can be reshaped into a 2D matrix. You can then compute the gradient of that.

% Sort so that we get the density into column-major ordering
[~, inds] = sortrows(data(:,[1 2]));

% Reshape the density data so it's [numel(Y) x numel(X)]
density = reshape(data(inds,3), numel(unique(data(:,2))), numel(unique(data(:,1))));

% Compute the X and Y gradients
[FX, FY] = gradient(density);

