Since yesterday, I have met some problems deploying applications and got ImagePullBackOff error. Then when I recreated the container today, I found myself not able to deploy the router and registry any more. They used to work very stably.
The Error message I have got is as (for registry but same error for router):
5:48:22 PM docker-registry-1-deploy Pod FailedMount Unable to mount volumes for pod "docker-registry-1-deploy_default": IsLikelyNotMountPoint("/var/lib/origin/openshift.local.volumes/pods/fef8a925-be76-11e5-b607-005056b1164b/volumes/kubernetes.io~secret/deployer-token-rlofq"): file does not exist (72 times in the last 11 minutes, 43 seconds)
5:48:22 PM docker-registry-1-deploy Pod FailedSync Error syncing pod, skipping: IsLikelyNotMountPoint("/var/lib/origin/openshift.local.volumes/pods/fef8a925-be76-11e5-b607-005056b1164b/volumes/kubernetes.io~secret/deployer-token-rlofq"): file does not exist (72 times in the last 11 minutes, 43 seconds)
It looks like some related issues have been found in kubernetes and there is a workaround. But I wonder if and how can this be applied to Openshift Origin. Is the problem there only when running origin inside docker?