Hi I have been banging my head against the wall all day trying to figure this out.
I have a DataGridView that is displaying the results of an SQL Query
The query returns 3 fields: GROUPNUM, GROUPNAME, COACHING
The group fields just have strings in them and they are displaying fine, but the COACHING field is a single character field that will either have a Y or an N in it. For that column I want to have a combobox with Y or N as the items. Here is what I have so far.
dtGroups is a data table that was filled with an SQL data adapter.
dvGroups = dtGroups.DefaultView
'Set up datagrid view
With dgvToPopulate
.AutoGenerateColumns = False
.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells
.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.AllCells
.DataSource = dtGroups
With .Columns
Dim groupNumColumn, groupNameColumn As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
With groupNumColumn
.DataPropertyName = "GROUPNUM"
.HeaderText = "Group Number"
.ReadOnly = True
End With
With groupNameColumn
.DataPropertyName = "GROUPNAME"
.HeaderText = "Group Name"
.ReadOnly = True
End With
Dim coachingColumn As New DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
With coachingColumn
.HeaderText = "RN Coaching"
.Items.AddRange({"Y", "N"})
.DataPropertyName = "COACHING"
.DisplayMember = .DataPropertyName
.ValueMember = .DisplayMember
End With
.AddRange({groupNumColumn, groupNameColumn, coachingColumn})
End With
End With
The grid is set up the way I want and it is displaying the all the data except all the comboBoxes have nothing selected. How do I get the comboBox to have a Y or N in them based on what was stored in that field.
Any help with this would be appreciated.
Both DisplayMember
and ValueMember
are linked to the DataSource
property. Whenever you change one of these properties, the data connection is reset. In other words: the items-collection is cleared.
Take your example for instance. The String
class do not have a member named COACHING
. It has properties like Length
and Chars
etc. So you cannot create a binding. Also, the items-collection accepts all kinds of objects.
You need to create and bind a custom data source. Here's an example using a DataTable
Dim ynTable As New DataTable()
With ynTable
.Columns.Add("Value", GetType(String))
End With
With coachingColumn
.HeaderText = "RN Coaching"
.DataSource = ynTable
.DataPropertyName = "COACHING"
.DisplayMember = "Value"
.ValueMember = "Value"
End With