Openmp array reductions with Fortran

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-25 03:46:12


I'm trying to parallelize a code I've written. I'm having problems performing reducitons on arrays. It all seems to work fine for smallish arrays, however when the array size goes above a certain point I either get a stack overflow error or a crash.

I've tried to increased the stack size using the /F at compile time, I'm using ifort on windows, I've also tried passing set KMP_STACKSIZE=xxx the intel specific stacksize decleration. This sometimes helps and allows the code to progress further through my loop but in the end doesn't resolve the issue, even with a stack size of 1Gb or greater.

Below is a small self-contained working example of my code. It works in serial, and with one thread. Or with many threads but a small 'N'. A large N (i.e. like 250,000 in the example) causes problems.

I didn't think these arrays were so massive so as to cause major problems, and presumed increasing my stack space would help - are there any other options, or have I missed something important in my coding ?

program testreduction
    use omp_lib
    implicit none
    integer :: i, j, nthreads, Nsize
    integer iseed /3/
    REAL, allocatable :: A(:,:), B(:), C(:), posi(:,:)
    REAL :: dx, dy, r, Axi, Ayi, m, F
    !Set size of matrix, and main loop
    Nsize = 250000
    m = 1.0
    F = 1.0
    !Allocate posi array
    !Fill with random numbers
    do i=1,Nsize
        do j=1,2
            posi(j,i) = (ran(iseed))
        end do
    end do
    !Allocate other arrays
    allocate(A(2,Nsize), C(Nsize), B(Nsize))

    print*, sizeof(A)+sizeof(B)+sizeof(C)
    !$OMP parallel
    nthreads = omp_get_num_threads()
    !$OMP end parallel

    print*, "Number of threads ", nthreads
    !Go through each array and do some work, calculating a reduction on A, B and C.
    !$OMP parallel do schedule(static) private(i, j, dx, dy, r, Axi, Ayi) reduction(+:C, B, A)
    do i=1,Nsize
        do j=1,Nsize
            !print*, i
            dx = posi(1,i) - posi(1,j)
            dy = posi(2,i) - posi(2,j)
            r = sqrt(dx**2+dy**2)
            Axi = -m*(F)*(dx/(r))
            Ayi = -m*(F)*(dy/(r))
            A(1,i) = A(1,i) + Axi
            A(2,i) = A(2,i) + Ayi
            B(i) = B(i) + (Axi+Ayi)
            C(i) = C(i) + dx/(r) + dy/(r)
        end do    
    END DO
    !$OMP END parallel do

end program


A better example of what I'm talking about ..

program testreduction2
    use omp_lib
    implicit none
    integer :: i, j, nthreads, Nsize, q, k, nsize2
    REAL, allocatable :: A(:,:), B(:), C(:)
    integer, ALLOCATABLE :: PAIRI(:), PAIRJ(:)

    Nsize = 25
    Nsize2 = 19

    allocate(A(2,Nsize), C(Nsize), B(Nsize))
    ALLOCATE(PAIRI(nsize*nsize2), PAIRJ(nsize*nsize2))

    do i=1,nsize
        do j =1,nsize2
            PAIRI(q) = i
            PAIRJ(q) = j
        end do
    end do

    A = 0
    B = 0
    C = 0

    !$OMP parallel do schedule(static) private(i, j, k)
    do k=1,q
        A(1,i) = A(1,i) + 1
        A(2,i) = A(2,i) + 1
        B(i) = B(i) + 1
        C(i) = C(i) + 1
    END DO
    !$OMP END parallel do

    PRINT*, A
    PRINT*, B
    PRINT*, C       


The problem is that you are reducing really large arrays. Note that other languages (C, C++) can't reduce arrays at all.

But I don't see any reason for the reduction in your case, you update each element only once.

Try just

!$OMP parallel do schedule(static) private(i, dx, dy, r, Axi, Ayi)
do i=1,Nsize
  do j=1,Nsize
    A(1,i) = A(1,i) + Axi
    A(2,i) = A(2,i) + Ayi
    B(i) = B(i) + (Axi+Ayi)
    C(i) = C(i) + dx/(r) + dy/(r)
  end do
end do
!$OMP END parallel do

The point is the threads do not interfare. Every thread uses different set of is and therefore different elements of A, B and C.

Even if you come up with a case where it seems to be necessary, you can always rewrite it to avoid it. You can even allocate some buffers yourself and simulate the reduction. Or use atomic updates.

