Register a new user in ejabberd using Erlang

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-25 03:45:19


I am using erlang 17, ejabberd 14.07. I am trying to create chat application, For that I have to create user for ejabberd using Erlang. I have search but nothing found useful. There are three ways to do registration as far I have explored.

  1. Using command line
  2. From localhost
  3. Using other api

Is there any method in ejabberd which help me to register new user? I am new in Erlang and ejabberd so it becomes useful to me if you describe step if any configuration required.


Do you mean that you want to call an Erlang function to create a user? You can use ejabberd_auth:try_register for that:

ejabberd_auth:try_register(<<"username">>, <<"">>, <<"secret_password">>).

