I'm considering using the functions of WSO2 IS. However, I already have WSO2 ESB deployed in a production environment, so I'd prefer to add IS features to the already existent ESB environment.
I was able to start with the IS 4.1.0 bundle, add the Carbon 4.0.5 P2 repository (ESB 4.6.0 is built upon that version of Carbon) and install ESB 4.6.0 features, but I cannot seem to be able to do the opposite, since as far as I can tell WSO2 IS is based on Carbon 4.0.6, but there's no P2 repo for it.
What's the proper way to install IS features into ESB, if any?
I haven't tried installing 4.0.7 Identity Server features to ESB 4.0.6. But I can advice you to not to do it. Reason is: Identity Server 4.1.0 has some changes done to the user management core bundles which are not compatible with the older releases. Therefore, you can try to install an older version of identity server features on top of ESB 4.6.0. Identity Server 4.0.0 was released with Carbon 4.0.3. So, I think you should try with Carbon 4.0.3 p2 repository to install identity features on ESB 4.6.0.
Please use 4.0.7 P2 repository for new IS features which IS 4.1.0 based on.