Coin change in C# with limited coins

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-25 02:03:19


I built the following coin change (C#) that works perfectly:

class Program

        static int amount = 0;

        static void Main(string[] args)


            int[] coins = new int[] { 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1 };

            int Results = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < coins.Length; i++)
                    Results = amount / coins[i];
                    Console.WriteLine(Results + " x " + coins[i]);
                    amount -= Results * coins[i];

        static void EnterAmount()
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Enter an amount : ");
            amount = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

My problem is that I don't know how to limit the quantity of coins for every coin. For exemple, I would like to have a maximum number of 4 coins of €500, 6 coins of €10, 5 coins of €2, etc. And it would be awesome that the coin change returns the number of coins used for every coin.

Can you help me please? Thank you.


Be aware that this code just answers your question about who to limit your coins number, but your algorithm is not complete as you don't consider a lot of corner cases.

static void Main(string[] args)
    var amount = 100000;

    var availabeCoins = new CoinPack[] 
        new CoinPack { Value = 500, Amount = 2 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 100, Amount = 3 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 50, Amount = 5 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 20, Amount = 1 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 10, Amount = 2 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 5, Amount = 0 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 2, Amount = 10 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 1, Amount = 500 }

    var usedCoins = new CoinPack[] 
        new CoinPack { Value = 500 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 100 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 50 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 20 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 10 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 5 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 2 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 1 }

    for (int i = 0; i < availabeCoins.Length; i++)
        usedCoins[i].Amount = amount / availabeCoins[i].Value;
        if (usedCoins[i].Amount > availabeCoins[i].Amount)
            usedCoins[i].Amount = availabeCoins[i].Amount;

        amount -= usedCoins[i].Amount * usedCoins[i].Value;

    foreach (var usedCoin in usedCoins)
        Console.WriteLine(usedCoin.Value + " " + usedCoin.Amount);

class CoinPack
    public int Value;
    public int Amount;

UPD This solution is pretty inefficient, but I guess it solves your problem. You can take it as a reference and improve it yourself.

void Main(string[] args)
    var amount = 6;

    var availabeCoins = new List<CoinPack>
        new CoinPack { Value = 500, Amount = 0 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 100, Amount = 0 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 50, Amount = 0 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 20, Amount = 0 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 10, Amount = 0 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 5, Amount = 1 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 2, Amount = 3 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 1, Amount = 0 }

    var usedCoins = new List<CoinPack>
        new CoinPack { Value = 500, Amount = 0 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 100, Amount = 0 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 50, Amount = 0 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 20, Amount = 0 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 10, Amount = 0 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 5, Amount = 0 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 2, Amount = 0 },
        new CoinPack { Value = 1, Amount = 0 }

    if (Change(amount, availabeCoins, usedCoins) != null)
        foreach (var usedCoin in usedCoins)
            Console.WriteLine(usedCoin.Value + " " + usedCoin.Amount);
        Console.WriteLine("Cannot find exact change");

List<CoinPack> Change(int amount, List<CoinPack> availableCoins, List<CoinPack> usedCoins)
    if (amount == 0)
        return availableCoins;

    if (amount < 0)
        return null;

    foreach (var availableCoin in availableCoins.Where(ac => ac.Amount > 0 && amount >= ac.Value))
        var newAvailableCoins = CopyCoins(availableCoins);
        newAvailableCoins.First(c => c.Value == availableCoin.Value).Amount--;
        var change = Change(amount - availableCoin.Value, newAvailableCoins, usedCoins);

        if (change == newAvailableCoins)
            usedCoins.First(c => c.Value == availableCoin.Value).Amount++;
            return availableCoins;

    return null;

List<CoinPack> CopyCoins(List<CoinPack> coinPacks)
    var copy = new List<CoinPack>();
    foreach (var coinPack in coinPacks)
        copy.Add(new CoinPack { Value = coinPack.Value, Amount = coinPack.Amount });
    return copy;

class CoinPack
    public int Value;
    public int Amount;


I think this will be helpfull:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;

namespace ConsoleApplicationTests
    class Program
        static int amount = 321370;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Coin[] c = new Coin[] { new Coin(500, 7), new Coin(200, 3), new Coin(100, 5) ,
                                    new Coin(50, 6), new Coin(20, 2), new Coin(10, 4),
                                    new Coin(5, 0), new Coin(2, 5), new Coin(1, 3)};
            int netAmount = amount;

            for (int i = 0; i < c.Length; i++)
                amount -= c[i].coveredPrice(amount);

            for (int i = 0; i < c.Length; i++)



    class Coin
        private int price;
        private int counted;    // You can continue your bank for next amount too.
        private int maxNo;

        public Coin(int coinPrice, int coinMaxNo)
            this.price = coinPrice;
            this.maxNo = coinMaxNo;
            this.counted = 0;

        public int coveredPrice(int Price)
            int Num = Price / price;
            if (maxNo == 0)
                return 0;
            if (maxNo != -1)             //-i is infinit
                if (Num > this.maxNo - this.counted)
                    Num = maxNo;
            this.counted += Num;
            return Num * price;

        //public int getPrice() { return this.price; }
        //public int getCount() { return this.counted; }
        //public int getMax() { return this.maxNo; }
        public override string ToString()
            return string.Format("{0} x {1} (max {2}) ", this.price.ToString(), this.counted.ToString(), this.maxNo.ToString());

