I am interested in upgrading a suite of software from ODAC v5 to v8.2.8.
One app in particular is causing problems. This application loads one of a set of secondary applications implemented as dlls.
LibHandle := LoadLibrary(PChar(dllname));
if LibHandle <> 0 then
@showForm := GetProcAddress(LibHandle,'ShowMainDllForm');
if (@showForm <> nil) then
ShowForm(Application.Handle, @FGlobalVars, 1);
The launcher is fine - it has its own database connection, and I can step through the various ODAC units fairly happily.
However, the dll immediately excepts on attempting to open a cursor. The error is an Assertion Failure in the unit DBAccess.pas
, called from MemDs.pas
. I have stepped through this and have shown that the assertion failure is correct; Assert(FieldDesc is TCRFieldDesc)
is receiving a TFieldDesc
from MemDS.CreateFieldDefs()
I am stumped. How can it be that one calling method works fine (the launcher app) and the other (the dll) always fails ?
If anyone has experienced difficulties in this area I would appreciate any information, however tenuous it might sound
We have already fixed this problem. You can either download the latest ODAC version 8.6.12 or modify the line invoking Assert:
in the TCustomDADataSet.GetFieldType method
Assert(FieldDesc is TCRFieldDesc);
Assert(IsClass(FieldDesc, TCRFieldDesc));
we use the DEVART MySQL, and SQL connectors. I have experienced the exact issue with the MySQL (MyDAC) connection. However, what I found was this: In the DBAccess.pas file, the above code change was already there;
Assert(IsClass(FieldDesc, TCRFieldDesc));
But I was still getting the same Assertion error. I stepped in a little further, and found in the CRFunctions unit, I made the following changes, and now my Server connection works perfectly from a dll file:
if IsLibrary then
Result := IsClassByName(Obj, AClass)
// Danny MacNevin : October 3,2013
// commented out the below line to fix an Assertion Error
// using the TMyConnection in a dll file.
// It was being called from the DBAccess.pas file at line: 7251
// To put this file back to normal, remove the line I added, and
// uncomment the line below...
//Result := Obj is AClass;
Result := IsClassByName(Obj, AClass) //Line replaced by Danny