I run an application from PowerBuilder and terminate it when i dont need it. But the application when running, it executes other processes from a specific folder.
I want to kill all processes if they run from a specific folder.
How to get the process handles of all those processes that have specif folder name in their path?
Here an example to show how to terminate all running instance of Notepad.exe
OleObject wsh
integer li_rc
wsh = CREATE OleObject
wsh.ConnectToNewObject( "MSScriptControl.ScriptControl" )
wsh.language = "vbscript"
wsh.AddCode('function terminatenotepad() ~n ' + &
'strComputer = "." ~n ' + &
'Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") ~n ' + &
'Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process where name = ~'notepad.exe~'") ~n ' + &
'For Each objItem in colItems ~n ' + &
' objItem.Terminate ~n ' + &
'Next ~n ' + &
'end function ~n ' )
Try to change the where clause
where name = ~'notepad.exe~'" ...
where commandline = ~'" + ls_commandline + "~'" ...
where ls_commandline
is the command line used to start your process.
See "Win32_Process class" for more infos.
/// This is simple code example Terminate a Running Process if here is specific
/// folder name in the path of the running program (\EagleGet\)
/// Two variable SelectThis and TheWhere can be changed to get different
/// results. Many things are not dynamic in this script and certainly not the
/// best way of writing code. but its just ok for a little quick work.`
OleObject wsh
Integer li_rc
String LineFeed = ' ~r~n '
String TheComputer = "." //local computer
String TheCode = "no need to set it here"
String FunctionName = "Whatever()" //any name you like
String SelectThis = "?" //only the columns/expressions
String TheWhere = "?" //only the where clause without keyword WHERE
String DoWhat = "?" //the action to perform for example 'Terminate' without quotes
String TheQuery = "no need to set here"
String WMIClass = "Win32_Process" /// The WMI class of running processes
String TheFolderName = "The folder name from which the creapy process is running (path) "
/// You just set DoWhat, SelectThis and TheWhere. Rest of the variables, you dont need to set here
/// SelectThis = is the columns or expressions you want returned by the Query
SelectThis = "*"
/// TheFolderName = set it to the name of the folder that exist in the path
///of the ruuning process you want to terminate
TheFolderName = "EagleGet"
/// TheWhere is the WHERE clause expressions
TheWhere = "ExecutablePath LIKE ~'%\\" + TheFolderName + "\\%~' "
/// DoWhat is the final function call of the WMI Class
DoWhat = "Terminate"
/// There is no need to chage anything from this point onward.
/// without double quotes, and you dont have to change TheQuery here
TheQuery = " SELECT " + SelectThis + " FROM " + WMIClass + " WHERE " + TheWhere
TheCode = "Function " + FunctionName + LineFeed + &
"strComputer = ~"" + TheComputer + "~"" + LineFeed + &
"Set objWMIService = GetObject(~"winmgmts:\\~" & strComputer & ~"\root\cimv2~")" + LineFeed + &
"Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(~"" + Trim(TheQuery) + "~" )" + LineFeed + &
"For Each objItem in colItems" + LineFeed + &
"objItem." + Trim(DoWhat) + LineFeed + &
"Next " + LineFeed + &
"END Function " + LineFeed
wsh = CREATE OleObject
wsh.Language = "VBScript"
CATCH (RunTimeError Re01)
MessageBox("Query Error", "Following code has some problems.~r~n~r~n" + TheCode, StopSign!)