Get Route Parameter from URL in Angular.js

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-25 00:09:53


How can I get the value of access_token in my ng-controller as $routeParams from the following URL?


on you app config

App.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
  when('/:id', {
    controller: 'DetailsController'

use on your controller $routeParams

.controller("DetailsController", ['$routeParams',function($routeParams){    
    var id = $; // this name is from config :id


If it isn't defined explicitly in your route, then it will not be available in the $routeParams

If your route is defined as:


Then you will be able to access it like this:

var token = $routeParams.token;

However, the URL you have defined isn't really a good route param, or a valid query string parameter. If it were a valid query string parameter


Then you could access it via the $ method.

var accessToken = $'access_token');

As it stands right now, you would still have to parse out the value if the entire key/value pair resides in your route param.

