How can I reference class instances that I have passed into a Map as keys JavaScript

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-24 21:54:53


I am implementing a graph class using a Map as an adjacency list, with a simple class Vertex that I am using to represent each node in the graph:

export class Vertex {
    constructor(value) {
        if (value) this.value = value;
        else throw new Error("Value must be specified");

    getValue() {
        return this.value;

    setValue(value) {
        if (value) this.value = value;
        else throw new Error("Value must be specified");

Then in my graph class I have implemented a constructor and 2 methods for adding vertices and edges:

export class UndirectedGraph {
    constructor() {
        this.adjacencyList = new Map();

    addVertex(value) {
        if (value) {
            const vertex = new Vertex(value);
            this.adjacencyList.set(vertex, []);

    addEdge(to, from) {
        if (
            !to ||
            !from ||
            !(to.constructor === Vertex && from.constructor === Vertex)
        ) {
            throw new Error("Arguments must be of type Vertex");
        if (
            !this.adjacencyList.get(to) ||
        ) {
            throw new Error(
                "Both arguments must already be nodes in this undirected graph"

    getAdjacencyList() {
        return this.adjacencyList;

Then I want to call the addEdge() function to create an edge between 2 instances of type Vertex:

const graph = new UndirectedGraph();
graph.addEdge(..., ...);

What do I pass to the addEdge() function to create an edge between "A" and a particular instance of "B"? I have no variable for the Vertex instances that I can reference.

I want the graph to be able to store duplicate values, such as names, so using class instances seems like the obvious choice but now I am stuck on how to access the values they contain because I am unsure how to search for class instances within the Map i.e. graph.getAdjacencyList().get(...). All help appreciated


Given your addVertex method creates the Vertex instance and the addEdge method expects that very instance as a parameter, you need to make it available to the caller of these methods - by returning it:

addVertex(value) {
    if (value) {
        const vertex = new Vertex(value);
        this.adjacencyList.set(vertex, []);
        return vertex;
    // else throw new Error("no value given")?

Then you can use it like

const graph = new UndirectedGraph();
const vertex1 = graph.addVertex("A");
const vertex2 = graph.addVertex("B");
const vertex3 = graph.addVertex("B");
graph.addEdge(vertex1, vertex2);
graph.addEdge(vertex1, vertex3);
graph.addEdge(vertex2, vertex3);

