I am new to blackberry development and ran into this problem several times and cannot find a solution.
When I try to run an empty cascades project just with a simple HelloWorld label I get the following error
Deployment Failed: Info: Sending request: Install and Launch
Info: Action: Install and Launch
Info: Debug native: on
Info: File size: 190910
Info: Installing com.example.HelloWorld.testDev__HelloWorld7d1bfe91...
Info: Processing 190910 bytes
I'm using Momentics, VMware running BB10 Dev Alpha Sim and followed all the instructions here. http://developer.blackberry.com/cascades/documentation/getting_started/setting_up.html
I made sure my build config is set to Simulator-Debug and not even the example projects are able to run on the simulator.
Edit: I am not sure if this bit of info helps but when I try to run the application, the Progress hangs at 91% before the error dialog appears.
May be you are not setting the development Mode (like current Development Mode Simulator or Device) . I also getting the issue that Project Compile but not able to run on virtual Machine , today I sort the issue . check out the link http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/Native-Development/BB10-Native-Cascades-SDK-not-connecting-to-Alpha-BB10-simulator/td-p/1719865/page/5