Chromium Tabs in Cocoa (Outlets turning up NULL from 'TabContents.xib')

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-24 19:20:07


I'm struggling to use Chromium Tabs in Cocoa and I really seem to be missing something.

  • I've subclassed CTBrowserWindowController (ppEditor), CTBrowser (ppDocumentBrowser), CTTabContents (ppDocument) and CTTabContentsController (ppDocumentController)

  • Editor creates new Documents by : [self addTabContents:(ppDocument*)doc]; (and I've also tried first adding a Document Controller for the specific document first, but this doesn't work either)

  • I'm connecting my outlets from TabContents.xib (either to File Owner : ppDocumentController or to an instance of ppDocument I'm adding to the XIB), but it doesn't work and the outlet instances show up (intermittently) as NULL pointers.

So, what could be going wrong?


  • When connecting actions (either to the ppDocument class, or the ppDocumentController), these - weirdly so - do work....

  • There is some cross-referencing between classes (e.g. there is a pointer to ppDocument from ppDocumentController, as well as one from ppDocument to ppDocumentController)


Problem solved.

Although, I have no idea how - I basically did the whole thing from scratch and ooops, it worked (I must have missed something in the first place...)

