I am trying to write a code using SCHEME that takes two arguments, for example '(2 1 3) & '(a b c) and gives a list '(b a c). My code is not working either recursive or iterative. Any help!!
(define project
(lambda (list1 list2 list3 n b index)
(define n (length(list1)))
(let ((i n))
(for-each (i)
((null? list1) (display "empty"))
(define n (car list1))
(define index (- n 1))
(define b (list-ref list2 index))
(define list3 (cons list3 b))
(define list1 (cdr list1))
list3 ))))))
(define (rearrange order l)
(cond ((number? order) (rearrange (list order) l))
((list? order) (map (lambda (num) (list-ref l (- num 1))) order))
(else 'bad-order)))
If you need order to be 'complex' (like '(1 (2 3) 4)
) then use this:
(define (listify thing)
(cond ((null? thing) '())
((pair? thing) (apply append (map listify thing)))
(else (list thing))))
> (listify 10)
> (listify '(1 (2 3) 4))
(1 2 3 4)
and then
(define (rearrange order l)
(map (lambda (num) (list-ref l (- num 1)))
(listify order)))
Here's a version that handles arbitrarily-nested lists: first, a nested-map
that is like map
but handles nested lists:
(define (nested-map func tree)
(if (list? tree)
(map (lambda (x)
(nested-map func x))
(func tree)))
Then, we create a mapper to use with it (using list-ref
if the list is shorter than 16 elements, otherwise copying to a vector first for better scalability):
(define (rearrange indices lst)
(define mapper (if (< (length lst) 16)
(lambda (i)
(list-ref lst (- i 1)))
(let ((vec (list->vector lst)))
(lambda (i)
(vector-ref vec (- i 1))))))
(nested-map mapper indices))
Notice how, after the mapper is defined, the function is simply a single call to nested-map
. Easy! :-D
First that came to mind:
(define (rearrange order symbols)
(define (element i list)
(if (= i 1)
(car list)
(element (- i 1) (cdr list))))
(define (iter order output)
(if (null? order)
(iter (cdr order)
(append output (list (element (car order) symbols))))))
(iter order '()))
Better solution:
(define (rearrange order symbols)
(define (nth-element i list)
(if (= i 1)
(car list)
(nth-element (- i 1) (cdr list))))
(map (lambda (x) (nth-element x symbols)) order))
Here's a simple version for un-nested lists:
(define (arrange idx lst)
(map (lambda (i) (list-ref lst i)) idx))
(arrange '(1 0 2) '(a b c))
=> '(b a c)
If you need to use nested lists, flatten comes in handy:
(define (arrange idx lst)
(map (lambda (i) (list-ref lst i)) (flatten idx)))
(arrange '(1 (0 2)) '(a b c))
=> '(b a c)
Note that I use 0-based indexes, as is the custom in Scheme.