Is jQGrid mvc version free?

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-24 13:34:01


Went through many links, but its still confusing.

As per my understanding. The jQGrid javascript version is free. While mvc version is not free..

Am i right?

Please provide information

Thanks in advance!!


There are two different products: free open source JavaScript jQuery plugin and commercial product jqSuite. Some editions of jqSuite have the same name jqGrid (see here and here). The product jqSuite uses free open source JavaScript jQuery plugin internally. So it's "on top solution" based on the free jqGrid.

In general you don't really require to order jqSuite if you just need to include jqGrid in your ASP.NET project. The demos from the answer, this one, this one and many other show how you can implement it.

Another free solution is Lib.Web.Mvc (see here the demos) developed by tpeczek.

On the other side the usage of jqSuite could improve your productivity.

Look at here and here for some additional information.

