Is there a way to replace a masked value in a numpy masked array as a null or None value? This is what I have tried but does not work.
for stars in range(length_masterlist_final):
star = customSimbad.query_object(star_names[stars])
#obtain stellar info.
photometry_dataframe.iloc[stars,0] = star_IDs[stars]
photometry_dataframe.iloc[stars,1] = star_names[stars]
photometry_dataframe.iloc[stars,2] = star['FLUX_U'][0]
#Replace "--" masked values with a Null (i.e., '') value.
photometry_dataframe.iloc[stars,2] = ma.filled(photometry_dataframe.iloc[stars,2], fill_value=None)
photometry_dataframe.to_csv(output_dir + "simbad_photometry.csv", index=False, header=True, na_rep='NaN')
(photometry_dataframe.iloc[stars,2] = ma.filled(photometry_dataframe.iloc[stars,2], fill_value=None))
'MaskedConstant' object has no attribute '_fill_value'
I want to replace masked values '--' with '' when I output the dataframe as a csv file. One work around is to read the outputted csv file back into python and replace '--' with '', but this is a horrible solution. There must be a better solution. I don't want masked values printed as '--' in the csv file.
Use Astropy:
>>> from pandas import DataFrame
>>> from astropy.table import Table
>>> import numpy as np
>>> df = DataFrame()
>>> df['a'] = [1, np.nan, 2]
>>> df['b'] = [3, 4, np.nan]
>>> df
a b
0 1 3
1 NaN 4
2 2 NaN
>>> t = Table.from_pandas(df)
>>> t
<Table masked=True length=3>
a b
float64 float64
------- -------
1.0 3.0
-- 4.0
2.0 --
>>> t.write('photometry.csv', format='ascii.csv')
(astropy)neptune$ cat photometry.csv
You can specify arbitrary transformations from table values to output values using the fill_values
parameter (http://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/io/ascii/write.html#parameters-for-write).