gitosis-admin git push failed, exec hooks/post-update

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-24 11:51:13


I'm following this tutorial

After this step:

$ git commit -a -m "Allow jdoe write access to free_monkey"
$ git push

I always failed, with this error:

fatal: exec hooks/post-update failed.

This is from my /home/git/repositories/gitosis-admin/hooks/post-update:

-rwxr-xr-x 1 git git   83 Mar 10 11:49 post-update

So I change gitosis.conf manually from server for adding new repositories, and repos can work fine.

I've googled what might cause it, I want to admin gitosis in proper way.

Please Help

Regards, REV


Your post-update hook can be executed, but it cannot update the pointers in refs/heads/ and refs/remotes/ (which help when cloning with a "dumb" protocol, i.e. over http)

Check the rights associated with your repo on gitosis, especially under .git/refs

Check also if <git>/bin/git-update-server-info is executable
(you can try -- as a test -- to replace your update-hook by a link to git-update-server-info, like this case).
Or, as described here, check if you need to replace in your gitosis/templates/admin/hooks/post-update:



git update-server-info

