copy data from a text.rpt file to paste it postgresql in pgadmin

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-24 11:28:47


When I run:

COPY con (date,kgs) 
FROM 'H:Sir\\data\\reporting\\hi.rpt'
    date AS 'Datum/Uhrzeit'
    kgs  AS 'Summe'

I get the error:

WARNING:  nonstandard use of \\ in a string literal
LINE 2: FROM 'H:Sudhir\\Conair data\\TBreporting\\hi.txt'
HINT:  Use the escape string syntax for backslashes, e.g., E'\\'.

I've been having this problem for quite a while. Help?


It's not an error, it's just a warning. It has nothing to do with the file content, it's related to a PostgreSQL setting and the COPY command syntax you're using.

You're using PostgreSQL after 8.1 with standard_conforming_strings turned off - either before 9.1 (which defaulted to off) or a newer version with it turned off manually.

This causes backslashes in strings, like bob\ted, get interpreted as escapes, so that string would be bob<tab>ted with a literal tab, as \t is the escape for a tab.

Interpreting strings like this is contrary to the SQL standard, which doesn't have C-style backslash escapes. Years ago the PostgreSQL team decided to switch to the SQL standard way of doing things. For backward compatibility reasons it was done in two stages:

  • Add the standard_conforming_strings option to use the SQL-standard interpretation of strings, but have it default to off. Issue warnings when using the non-standard PostgreSQL string interpretation. Add a new E'string' style to allow applications to explicitly request escape processing in strings.

  • A few releases later, turn standard_conforming_strings on by default, once people had updated and fixed the warnings their applications produced. Supposedly.

The escape for \ is \\. So "doubling" the backslashes like you (or the tool you're using) done is correct. PostgreSQL is showing a warning because it doesn't know if when you wrote H:Sir\\data\\reporting\\hi.rpt you meant literally H:Sir\\data\\reporting\\hi.rpt (like the SQL spec says) or H:Sir\data\reporting\hi.rpt (like PostgreSQL used to do, against the standard).

Thus there's nothing wrong with your query. If you want to get rid of the warning, either turn standard_conforming_strings on , or add an explicit E'' to your string.

