HTC Desire X and Samsung Galaxy S Duos (GT-7582) - layout issue

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-24 09:55:26


I have run into this strange issue. The two devices that I mentioned in the ques title have almost same specs in terms of screen sizes (if I am not missing something) as both are 4.0-inch hdpi phones (I think!?). However, one has got layouts coming up as close to shared .psd files (Samsung) as possible but, another (HTC) shows lot of differences like smaller font sizes but, larger padding. I tried different std. layout folders (small, large, xlarge) but, not to much help.

It would be great if somebody could throw some light on the issue.



Edited: I am trying to know that even with the same spec(screen size and resolution) for both the devices, one device is showing expected layout as designed in eclipse while other is showing smaller font sizes, different padding etc. One question is why it is happening in first place despite using dp and sp. Secondly, what to do now? I mean how to know which layout folder could help as hit and try doesn't seem to work so far. Although I intend to invest more time on it today.

HTC Desire X (Display): Samsung Galaxy S Duos 2 (Display):

