I have a simple django model with a calculated property field clicks
. The model looks like this:
class Link(models.Model):
url = models.URLField()
def clicks(self):
Property does some calculations and returns a list of dictionaries:
# removed calculation for simplicity
return [{'dt': 1, 'clicks': 100}, {'dt': 2, 'clicks': 201}]
I want to make this model accesible in my graphql endpoint. So I created the following Types and Query:
class Stats(graphene.ObjectType):
clicks = graphene.String()
dt = graphene.String()
class LinkType(DjangoObjectType):
clicks = graphene.List(Stats, source='clicks')
class Meta:
model = Link
class Query(object):
link = graphene.Field(LinkType, id=graphene.Int())
def resolve_link(self, info, **kwargs):
id = kwargs.get('id')
url = kwargs.get('url')
if id is not None:
return Link.objects.get(pk=id)
return None
Now I should be able to use the following query in my graphql explorer:
link(id: 3) {
My expected result would be like this:
id: 3,
url: "www.google.de",
clicks: [
dt: 1, clicks: 100},
dt: 2, clicks: 201}
But the nested values of clicks
and dt
are null
id: 3,
url: "www.google.de",
clicks: [
dt: null, clicks: null},
dt: null, clicks: null}
So what am I doing wrong here? How can I convert a list of dicts to an ObjectType in graphene?
I used a modified version of @mark-chackerian answer to solve the problem: Seems like I was expecting too much "magic" from graphene and I have to explicitly tell it how every field is resolved.
class Stats(graphene.ObjectType):
clicks = graphene.String()
dt = graphene.String()
def resolve_clicks(self, info):
return self['clicks']
def resolve_dt(self, info):
return self['dt']
You have to tell graphene more explicitly how to make your list of Stats
Try something like this:
class LinkType(DjangoObjectType):
clicks = graphene.List(Stats)
class Meta:
model = Link
def resolve_clicks(self, info):
return [Stats(dt=click_dict['dt'], clicks=click_dict['clicks') for click_dict in self.clicks]