constexpr if and static_assert

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-11-27 09:01:02

This is talking about a well-established rule for templates - the same rule that allows compilers to diagnose template<class> void f() { return 1; }. [temp.res]/8 with the new change bolded:

The program is ill-formed, no diagnostic required, if:

  • no valid specialization can be generated for a template or a substatement of a constexpr if statement ([stmt.if]) within a template and the template is not instantiated, or
  • [...]

No valid specialization can be generated for a template containing static_assert whose condition is nondependent and evaluates to false, so the program is ill-formed NDR.

static_asserts with a dependent condition that can evaluate to true for at least one type are not affected.

Edit: I'm keeping this self-answer with examples and more detailed explanations of the misunderstandings that lead to this questions. The short answer by T.C. is strictly enough.

After rereading the proposal and on static_assert in the current draft, and I conclude that my worries were misguided. First of all, the emphasis here should be on template definition.

ill-formed; no diagnostic required for template definition

If a template is instantiated, any static_assert fire as expected. This presumably plays well with the statement I quoted:

... a discarded statement is not instantiated.

This is a bit vague to me, but I conclude that it means that templates occurring in the discarded statement will not be instantiated. Other code however must be syntactically valid. A static_assert(F), [where F is false, either literally or a constexpr value] inside a discarded if constexpr clause will thus still 'bite' when the template containing the static_assert is instantiated. Or (not required, at the mercy of the compiler) already at declaration if it's known to always be false.

Examples: (live demo)

#include <type_traits>

template< typename T>
constexpr void some_library_foo(){

template< typename T>
constexpr void other_library_bar(){

template< typename T>
constexpr void buzz(){
    // This template is ill-formated, (invalid) no diagnostic required,
    // since there are no T which could make it valid. (As also mentioned
    // in the answer by T.C.).
    // That also means that neither of these are required to fire, but
    // clang does (and very likely all compilers for similar cases), at
    // least when buzz is instantiated.
    static_assert(! std::is_same<T,T>::value);
    static_assert(false); // does fire already at declaration
                          // with latest version of clang

template<class T, bool IntCase>
void g() {
  if constexpr (IntCase){

    // Both two static asserts will fire even though within if constexpr:
    static_assert(!IntCase) ;  // ill-formated diagnostic required if 
                              // IntCase is true
    static_assert(IntCase) ; // ill-formated diagnostic required if 
                              // IntCase is false

    // However, don't do this:
    static_assert(false) ; // ill-formated, no diagnostic required, 
                           // for the same reasons as with buzz().

  } else {

int main(){

    //g<int,false>(); // ill-formated, diagnostic required
    //g<float,true>(); // ill-formated, diagnostic required

The standard text on static_assert is remarkably short. In standardese, it's a way to make the program ill-formed with diagnostic (as @immibis also pointed out):

7.6 ... If the value of the expression when so converted is true, the declaration has no effect. Otherwise, the program is ill-formed, and the resulting diagnostic message (1.4) shall include the text of the string-literal, if one is supplied ...
