While checking the website speed at Here
It throws this error:
Lighthouse returned error: generic :: internal: APP :: 1: Abnormal renderer termination, status = crashed exit_code = 1
Please can anyone tell me how this can be solved and how serious is it?
Your website has a problem with its SSL certificate.
What (I am making an educated guess here) is happening is that Lighthouse is attempting to run the 'redirects to HTTPS' test and is throwing an error within Chrome in 'headless' mode (the browser it uses to run tests) as the site does seem to try to redirect but then fails due to a certificate problem.
Fix your SSL certificate and the site should run through PSI fine.
You can use lighthouse (the engine used by Page Speed Insights) under the 'Audits' tab of Developer Tools (F12) within Google Chrome to get your results.
I ran Lighthouse and it worked fine.