I am trying to query a good number of XML files using SQL Server 2014. I am using the below code and I am unsure what is wrong with the syntax because nothing is being returned. My suspicion is there is something strange with the XML file.
If put in only parts of the XML text directly into the query file instead of pointing to it locally then it seems to work but I have a lot of files and really need to be able to query from a local source without manual manipulation of the files.
Example XML: https://s3.amazonaws.com/irs-form-990/201600349349300510_public.xml
My code:
DECLARE @x xml
FROM OPENROWSET (BULK 'C:\Users\USER\990\Example.xml', SINGLE_BLOB) AS ReturnData(R)
DECLARE @hdoc int
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @hdoc OUTPUT, @x
SELECT * FROM OPENXML (@hdoc, '/Return/ReturnData/IRS990ScheduleHIRS990ScheduleH/FinancialAssistanceAtCostTyp',3)
WITH (FinancialAssistancePolicyInd int '../FinancialAssistancePolicyInd',
FPGReferenceDiscountedCareInd int '../FPGReferenceDiscountedCareInd',
PersonsServedCnt int,
NetCommunityBenefitExpnsAmt int)
EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @hdoc
Thanks in advance. IF there is a better way to do this then please do let me know, I am new to working with XML in SQL.
There are several flaws:
FROM OPENXML is outdated and should not be used any more (rare exceptions exist)
your XML included a default namespace, which must be declared
your XPath is wrong:
should be/Return/ReturnData/IRS990ScheduleH/
But anyway you shoudl turn to modern XQuery
methods. Try it like this:
--This will read the XML into a declared variable.
--attention Your XML is declared with utf-8
, this might lead to problems with special characters...
DECLARE @x xml
FROM OPENROWSET (BULK 'C:\Users\USER\990\Example.xml', SINGLE_BLOB) AS ReturnData(R);
--This is the query, first declare the namespace(s), than use .nodes()
and .value()
WITH XMLNAMESPACES(DEFAULT 'http://www.irs.gov/efile'
,'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' AS xsi)
SELECT ct.value('(FinancialAssistancePolicyInd)[1]','int') AS FinancialAssistancePolicyInd
,ct.value('(FPGReferenceDiscountedCareInd)[1]','int') AS FPGReferenceDiscountedCareInd
,ct.value('(FinancialAssistanceAtCostTyp/PersonsServedCnt)[1]','int') AS PersonsServedCnt
,ct.value('(FinancialAssistanceAtCostTyp/NetCommunityBenefitExpnsAmt)[1]','int') AS NetCommunityBenefitExpnsAmt
FROM @x.nodes('/Return/ReturnData/IRS990ScheduleH') AS A(ct)