I'm creating a rest webservice using the c# framework 'servicestack' (http://www.servicestack.net/) and I'm having issues trying to figure out how to support more complex rest hierarchies
And I'm configuring various routes and it works perfectly
This all works fine. This problem is doing this....
The problem here is that the StoreDto object only contains a MerchantId, it does not contain a MerchantGroupId so this wouldn't work.
One solution would be to add the MerchantGroupId to the DTO but the problem is that I am sharing the DTO with some other WCF services and it might be confusing if I were have a MerchantGroupId property in the StoreDto which is never populated during a retrieval operation.
Plus I see this as cropping up at different places so I was hoping there was a better way to do it.
Any suggestions?
Like @myth says I am just making things complicated by trying to generate MVC-like url paths.
I am sticking to using the uri paths as is.