I want to understand how to implement HTML5 <audio>
fallback using Javascript...
i.e. I have a div on my page, to which , I dynamically append <embed>
tag when "Play audio" link is clicked currently..
i.e. I currently use
function playSound(audioUrl)
var x = document.getElementById("playAudio");
x.innerHTML = '<EMBED src="'+audioUrl+'" autostart=true loop=false volume=100 hidden=true>';
I want to have the same thing implemented using the HTML5 <audio>
tag, But want to fallback to embed when HTML5 audio tag is not supported. How can I implement the same using JS given that the Audio URL is kind of dynamic ?
My intention is it should work on older as well as newer browsers..like IE6,7,8; FF 3,4; Chrome; Safari 4,5 on MAC, Safari on iPad..
You could use Modernizr to detect audio
If you don't want to include that library for a simple thing, this should do it...
var audioSupport = document.createElement('audio').hasOwnProperty('src');
So that would be...
function playSound(audioUrl) {
var audioSupport = document.createElement('audio').hasOwnProperty('src'),
x = document.getElementById("playAudio");
if (audioSupport) {
var audio = document.createElement('audio');
audio.src = audioUrl;
} else {
// Or you could use proper DOM methods...
x.innerHTML = '<EMBED src="' + audioUrl + '" autostart=true loop=false volume=100 hidden=true>';