Creating a splash screen in Sencha Touch for different mobile devices resolutions

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-24 06:45:35


I am using sencha touch 1.1, and the application has to be portable across multiple mobile platforms such as android, iPhone, iPad and blackberry. I need to have splash screen at start up, and I am using the body background property to get the splash screen done.

<body bgcolor="0000" style="background-image: url('images/background.png');"></body>

I used this code in my app:

onReady: function() {
        var panel = new Ext.Panel({
            fullscreen : true,
            html : "Start Up Screen Test"

But it doesn't work. Please help me do this for devices with multiple resolutions and in a generic way.


This will help you to get through to your answers. Different image with resolutions for different size screens of blackberry.


You have to give the spash screen for phone/tablet this way:

Ext.regApplication('App', {

    icon: 'public/resources/images/Icon.png',

    tabletStartupScreen: 'public/resources/images/tabletImage.png',

    phoneStartupScreen: 'public/resources/images/phoneImage.png',

    glossOnIcon: true,

    fullscreen: true,

    launch: function() {

