I have a question is there any way to generate one html file from few xml using cppcheck-htmlreport?
Normally I doing that:
/cppcheck-htmlreport --file /vobs/stn/dev/linux/cppcheck/xmlreport_v1.xml --title "xml1 test" --report-dir .
Now I want to do something like this
/cppcheck-htmlreport --file /vobs/stn/dev/linux/cppcheck/*.xml --title "xml1 test" --report-dir .
But when I did that commend cppcheck convert only one xml file...
Can anybody help me?
I'm sorry for my weak english.
Did you try
cat *.xml >> newXmlFile.xml
before calling cppcheck-htmlreport? The cat-command concatenates the xml content of all xml files in the current folder and stores the result into newXmlFile.xml.