I have an excel file and in the first column (A) i have some dates like this:
The other columns contains some datas. I need create an input box that takes everything inside a date range. I mean; i click the button and it shows me a popup like:
insert start date: 17/10/2013 (i can decide the date)
insert end date: 20/10/2013 (i can decide the date)
and then i can put a macro i've done. So my macro read only datas inside that range. Is it possible?
There is no specific date type so you'll have to do a bit of error checking. Here is one idea of how to get a date from a user:
Dim dateString As String, TheDate As Date
Dim valid As Boolean: valid = True
dateString = Application.InputBox("Enter A Date: ")
If IsDate(dateString) Then
TheDate = DateValue(dateString)
valid = True
MsgBox "Invalid date"
valid = False
End If
Loop Until valid = True
You can Add a date Time Picker to your use form and test the input for your range as follows:
Open the VBA and the form you want the input on.
In toolbox right click and select additiona controls
Then in the list box select Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control:
Add the control to your form:
then set the code as follows under the DTPicker1_Change() Event:
Private Sub DTPicker1_Change()
If DTPicker1.Value < DateSerial(2013, 10, 20) And DTPicker1.Value > DateSerial(2013, 10, 15) Then
Debug.Print "Put Your Code Here"
End If
End Sub
change the dates to your own and add your code.
Notes: There are a large amount of settings inside this control, from colors to display types, checkboxes, dropdown style, default values minimum and maximum dates. And also custom Date Formats can be applies based on locale.