Using the Configure System > Extended E-mail Notification configuration in Jenkins I would like to add the description of my job (present on http://my-jenkins.org/job/myjob page) into the Default Content of build failure emails.
Is there any $PROJECT_DESCRIPTION variable that I can use for that ? Or is it possible to do that using a Jelly/Groovy script ?
Thanks !
As told by Zloj , Jenkins don't have such variable but you can customize your own. Jenkins have plugin to set Environment variables through a file by
Envfile Plugin
Extract Description
grep -o '<description>.*</description>' /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/your_job_here/config.xml | sed 's/\(<description>\|<\/description>\)//g'
And save it in a file for eg: /tmp/ENV
If the content of description is "Hello world".
cat /tmp/ENV
Now add $PROJECT_DESCRIPTION in your e-mail
For Dynamically updated description I have a workaround for you until I find a better solution... create a shell script "wrapper.sh"
cat wrapper.sh
echo "PROJECT_DESCRIPTION=`grep -o '<description>.*</description>' /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/your_job_here/config.xml | sed 's/\(<description>\|<\/description>\)//g'`" > /tmp/env
This script creates your env file Dynamically.
Now Install ManagedScript Plugin:-
Create a managed script file by following the above link with following content
sh /tmp/wrapper.sh
Now go to your project configuration:-
1). Under Build option add "Execute managed script and select the one you created in previous step
2). apply and save.
There is no such environmental variable, but you can set it yourself:
as one of the first entries contains an xml tag called 'description'. Parse it to a variable and then use to add to e-mail body via e-mail ext.