I have been using Cucumber / Watir-Webdriver just fine with IE. In my tests, I go to a form field and enter data and click a save button. All actions work great.
Recently I decided to go with Selenium Grid 2 to distribute tests across machines for performance reasons. It worked great with FF and Chrome but I began to see a problem with IE.
Here's the problem:
when I use Selenium Grid 2 to drive IE remotely, when it sends keystrokes (i.e. send_keys or .set "some string of text") the text is correctly displayed in the field, BUT the field validation doesn't recognize the text.
On saving the form, I will get an error saying "please enter a Description" - yet the description is there.
This works fine if I run the test locally with watir-webdriver (and IE), but only has this issue when the test is being driven from Selenium Grid.
Here's how I've set up my browser with the Grid:
@browser = Watir::Browser.new(:remote, :url=>"http://[myhost]:4444/wd/hub", :desired_capabilities=> browser_name)
where browser_name is currently set to ie.
On the remote machine I set up the node with:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-[version].jar -role node -hub [path to the above hub, ie http://[myhost]:4444/grid/register] -browser browserName="internet explorer"
The test code itself is pretty simple, it logs in to our internal application, then it clicks a button that presents a form. In the form it sends data to a field and clicks save.
The test does this:
Watir::Wait.until { @browser.div(:id=>"after-announcement-container").text_field(:name=>'Description').exists?}
@browser.div(:id=>"after-announcement-container").text_field(:name=>'Description').set "This is a Test"
When I run the test the Grid:
sends the test to the machine
IE on the remote machine starts
IE automates through the application
At the form, it sends the text correctly ("This is a test")
IE clicks save.
At this point the form says "Please provide a description" (which is there and reads "This is a test.")
I've Tried:
adding wait time
using send_keys like :tab and :click to enter the field first before sending text.
I have also kept the webdriver session open and manually saving (clicking save) and I always get the error. even clicking around the app and clicking save - it still thinks the field is empty. Once I manually type one keystroke though, it works.
Webdriver Output:
Webdriver does have some output, showing it's sending the text fine, and I can visually see it in the form:
11:06:21.296 INFO - Executing: [send keys: 7 org.openqa.selenium.support.events.
EventFiringWebDriver$EventFiringWebElement@f3140943, [This is a Test]] at URL: /
11:06:21.662 INFO - Done: /session/135941c9-389d-45fa-9fed-14620a4802ca/element/
11:06:23.192 INFO - Executing: org.openqa.selenium.remote.server.handler.Status@
4ead24d9 at URL: /status)
The weird part to me, is that this works if I am using watir-webdriver locally. I only have this problem when the Grid is sending the webdriver test.
Since this works manually, the developer doesn't see this as a bug. So I can't get much assistance to get this resolved by changing the JS. I'm hoping there's a solution to get this to work with the Grid.