I am using Odoo 10e. I want a simple functionality that whenever i wanted to delete one or more then one item from a list view or from a specific list view only. I want to show all of the items which are selected for deleted to show their name in popup window so that user can have a quick review what's he is going to delete. I know user can see details in list view but i want to give a glimpse to user in shape of model window that this is going to be deleted. Are you sure to delete ?
If user click Confirm then normal delete case should work.
As far i research and worked on it, i have idea that it should be something regarding overriding the do_delete
method in the list_view.js
in the web module. But i didn't know much about javascript overriding for Odoo.
This is an example how I do it.
I called the name_get for your model and records ids, this names list, I change the text of confirming message with the information of ids selected.
do_delete: function (ids) {
new Model(this.model)
.call('name_get', [ids, this.dataset.get_context()]).done(function (names) {
var text = _t("Do you really want to remove these records?") + ' '+ names.join(' \n')
if (!(ids.length && confirm(text))) {
var self = this;
return $.when(this.dataset.unlink(ids)).done(function () {
_(ids).each(function (id) {
// Hide the table if there is no more record in the dataset
if (self.display_nocontent_helper()) {
} else {
if (self.records.length && self.current_min === 1) {
// Reload the list view if we delete all the records of the first page
} else if (self.records.length && self.dataset.size() > 0) {
// Load previous page if the current one is empty
// Reload the list view if we are not on the last page
if (self.current_min + self._limit - 1 < self.dataset.size()) {