Deserialize array of objects inside another object using Gson

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-24 03:05:35


Using Volley in my Android project, I am getting a json response like:

    "value1": 1,
    "value2": aaa,
    "subvalues": [
        "value1": 297,
        "value2": 310,
        "class3": {
            "name": "name1",
            "id": 1,
            "value": 32            

I need to deserialize it to pojo using Gson. Classes are:


public class class1 {
    private int value1;
    private String value2;
    private List<class2> vals;

    public class class2 {
        private int value1;
        private int value2;
        private class3 c3;


public class class3 {
    private String name;
    private int id;
    private int value;

After calling

Gson g = new Gson();
class1 c1 = g.fromJson(jsonString, class1.class);

I have only value1 and value2 of class1 filled. List remains null all the time. How can I fix this?


change private List<class2> vals; to private List<class2> subvalues


You need to change:

private List<class2> vals;


private List<class2> subvalues;

If you would like to keep vals field original name you can use SerializedName annotation:

public class class1 {
    private int value1;
    private String value2;

    private List<class2> vals;


Here you can find more information.


It's because in JSON your referring as subvalues and in java object your field name as vals. change it to subvalues it'll work.


As the other answers state, you're not naming your variables correctly for gson to be able to deserialize properly. Note that you seemingly have a typo in your returned json as well in class two, referring to calss3 instead of class3.

