I am trying to use Mockito on my mocked object in such a way that it should always return the very same object that was passed in as an argument. I tried it do to it like so:
private val dal = mockk<UserDal> {
Mockito.`when`(insert(any())).thenAnswer { doAnswer { i -> i.arguments[0] } }
However, this line always fails with:
io.mockk.MockKException: no answer found for: UserDal(#1).insert(null)
The insert(user: User)
method doesn't take in null
as an argument (obviously User
is not a nullable type).
How can I make the insert()
method always return the same object that it received as an argument?
When you're using MockK you should not use Mockito.
Only using MockK you can achieve the same with:
val dal = mockk<UserDal> {
every { insert(any()) } returnsArgument 0
If you intend to use Mockito, you should remove MockK and use mockito-kotlin:
val dal = mock<UserDal> {
on { insert(any()) } doAnswer { it.arguments[0] }