I need a thread in Web/JavaEE container to complete AsyncContext objs in same JVM

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-24 02:13:20


I need a thread in Web/JavaEE container to fetch information from an external source and complete corresponding AsyncContext objs in same JVM.

I wish to have a zero-added-latency solution, so periodic polling or a timer is ruled out.

I could start a thread but I believe it is frowned upon in a Web container and not portable. Q1. Is it possible to run a thread portably in a Java EE container instead?

Q2. If I want to run a thread in a Web Container anyway, what is the "least of all evil" ways? InitializeContext? ExecutorService? Thread.run?



AsyncContext.html#start is probably the closest you can get.


You can use work manager in jsr237 for creating a thread in a Java EE container. : http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=237. If you want an asynchronous job, you should use JMS.


In Java EE 6, you can put the @Asynchronous annotation on an EJB method to have the work in that method be handled by a special thread-pool:

public class SomeBean {

    public void doSomething() {
        // ...

Then somewhere else, inject this bean and call the doSomething() method. Control will return immediately.

public class SyncServlet extends HttpServlet {

    private SomeBean someBean;

    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

Note that you might not need something like AsyncContext asyncContext = request.startAsync() here. You would use this only if the asynchronous code would still need to send something to the response.

If you need something akin to a period timer though, and not do something in response to a request, you can use the timer service in a singleton:

public class SomeTimerBean {

    @Schedule(hour = "*", minute = "*/30", second = "0", persistent = false)
    public void doStuff() {
        // ...

Instead of running periodically, you can also run something like this once using the @TimeOut annotation:

public class SomeTimerBean {

    private TimerService timerService;

    public void init() {
         timerService.createSingleActionTimer(0, new TimerConfig(null, false));

    public void doStuff(Timer timer) {
        // ...

You can have variants on this, e.g. SomeTimerBean can also call an @Asynchronous method in an other bean as well to basically have the same effect.

