How can I find the index of a point on click on and add it to end of an array, list or vector?
locx = [];
locy = [];
while (ishandle(h))
pos = get(0, 'PointerLocation');
locx(end + 1) = pos(1);
locy(end + 1) = pos(2);
While I have only clicked on two points to see their x,y and index, many x locations has been saved in locx array. Please suggest solution and fixes:
locx =
Columns 1 through 16
635 1116 231 758 771 591 596 46 116 116 116 1362 852 498 1920 1663
Columns 17 through 32
733 795 795 1920 1895 1806 1061 700 123 1102 1097 1615 1 226 233 233
Columns 33 through 43
191 854 836 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1905 1189 1912
I would suggest using the ginput function instead:
h = figure;
[locx, locy] = ginput(2);
This will give you points within the axes, which will have to be converted to indices into the image by rounding them off:
locx = round(locx);
locy = round(locy);