I've made this little script to handle a CSV export from my store's point of sale. It takes a list of barcodes entered by our barcode scanner. Then looks up those items in a list to quickly check our physical inventory from what the point of sale claims we have.
It works... what I'm curious is if I can change raw_input from it's default use of ENTER and replace it with TAB?
My barcode scanner is programmed to use a TAB after it scans a barcode (as our POS demands that it does), would make it real handy to not have to man the keyboard while scanning items.
Is it possible?
import csv
inv = csv.reader(open('onhand.tab', 'rU'), dialect='excel-tab', delimiter="\t")
invarray = []
countlist = []
for row in inv:
print "Input barcode followed by <ENTER>. When finished, 'x' followed by <ENTER>"
while True:
bb = raw_input('> ')
if bb == 'x':
print "\n" * 100
print "+" + "-" * 130 + "+"
for row in invarray:
barcode = row[0]
prod_name = row[8]
main = row[4]
vb = row[12]
oo = row[6]
toh = row[9]
mnum = row[5]
for row in countlist:
bc = row[0]
if bc == barcode:
print ('|%-15s\t%-100s\t%-3s|') % (barcode, prod_name, main)
print "+" + "-" * 130 + "+"
You cannot; raw_input()
only returns control when ENTER has been entered.
Read directly from sys.stdin directly instead:
barcode = []
while True:
char = sys.stdin.read(1) # read 1 character from stdin
if char == '\t': # if a tab was read