Unable to use ActionBarSherlock library

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-12-24 01:08:05


I have Created a new android project from existing source(ActionBarSherlock library) with API 15. I added this library to my project(Project properties -> android -> library-> add ->com_actionbarsherlock ->apply ->ok).But When I again see (Project properties -> android -> library->) com_actionbarsherlock is showing red color cross.So, I am unable to import the library classes.I am really struggling with this. I have attached two screen shots Screen Shot When I add library and Screen Shot After library is added. Any help would be appreciate.


If you are using ActionBarSherlock v4.0 or above, you need to build your project against API 15.

