I have a button with face book icon
<Button iconLeft block > <Icon name='logo-facebook' /> <Text>Login with facebook</Text> </Button>
with text "Login with facebook" But it displays "LOGIN WITH FACEBOOK" .I am tried with capitalize={false} but no hope.Is there any way? NB version:2.2.1
you are using Native Base
Right ? maybe you can try this one.
you can change this code:
<Button iconLeft block >
<Icon name='logo-facebook' />
<Text> {'Login with facebook'.toUpperCase()} </Text>
to this :
<Button iconLeft block >
<Icon name='logo-facebook' />
<Text uppercase={false}> {'Login with facebook'.toUpperCase()} </Text>
just only using uppercase={false}
in your <text>
tag, hope it can help you :)
Try this :
text.capitalize-lowercase {text-transform: lowercase;}
text.capitalize-uppercase {text-transform: uppercase;}
<button iconleft block> <icon name='logo-facebook' /> <text class="capitalize-uppercase">Login with facebook</text> </button>
<br/> <br/>
<button iconleft block> <icon name='logo-facebook' /> <text class="capitalize-lowercase">Login with facebook</text> </button>
I think text transform currently not support by react native style.So you can try something like this
<Button iconLeft block >
<Icon name='logo-facebook' />
<Text> {'Login with facebook'.toUpperCase()} </Text>