Smarty: how to cache properly?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-24 00:34:40


Say I have a page that contains dynamic content (e.g. search results). What is the proper caching technique?

  • Put nocache tags around the entire page?
  • Put nocache tags around the segment of mark up that actually contains the dynamic data?
  • Put nocache tags around the dynamic data?
  • Somehow tell Smarty not to cache the dynamic data?

The dynamic data is assigned as a Smarty variable (e.g. via assign). I think I need to try to maximize caching, but am struggling a bit at what needs to be cached, how to un-cache, when to cache, when to un-cache, etc.

Any tips?


If your website is mostly static, then put nocache tag around the entire segment of code that displays the dynamic content.

Instead, if every page of your website contains a bit of dynamic output, I suggest you to disable Smarty caching during Smarty class initialization.

