Sitecore Web forms for marketers 2.4 file upload on content delivery server error (WFFM)

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-23 22:20:06


Web Form For Marketers 2.4 question

Situation: I'm getting technical error on a form with file upload field when form is submitted from content delivery server. Sofar I could identify that the problem happens on CD servers because there is no reference to master database. I appreciate that WFFM documenation says that FileUpload field works with master database, but at the same the documentation also mentions possibility to use "remoteWfmService". But even after configuring web service I see similar "null reference exception" in logs. Is it possible to make WFFM work without adding reference to Master database to configuration files?


Make sure you have an entry in your connectionStrings.config called remoteWfmService on your CD server. It should look something similar to this:

<add name="remoteWfmService" connectionString="url=http://[masterserver]/sitecore%20modules/shell/Web%20Forms%20for%20Marketers/Staging/WfmService.asmx;user=[domain\username];password=[password];timeout=60000" />

See section 2.11.1 of the Web Forms for Marketers reference.

You also need to change the following setting in /App_Config/Include/forms.config file.

<!-- Sets the name of the master database  -->
<setting name="WFM.MasterDatabase" value="web"/>

This isn't mentioned in the reference guide for some reason, but is looks like this same error as on this post by Alex Shyba.

