I have problem with crm 2011 caching. I don't need it, but I don't know how to disable it.
First I generate this:
CrmSvcUtil.exe /codeCustomization:"Microsoft.Xrm.Client.CodeGeneration.CodeCustomization, Microsoft.Xrm.Client.CodeGeneration" /out:Outputcs /url:https://crmaddress/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc /username:usr/password:pw /namespace:ns/serviceContextName:XrmServiceContext
then I have the following code:
private XrmServiceContext _crmService;
public CrmWS()
CrmConnection _connection = new CrmConnection();
_connection.ServiceUri = new Uri("https://url");
ClientCredentials credentials = new ClientCredentials();
credentials.Windows.ClientCredential = new NetworkCredential("1","2","3");
_connection.ClientCredentials = credentials;
_connection.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "1";
_connection.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "2";
_crmService = new XrmServiceContext(_connection);
var l = _crmService.EntitySet.where(m => m.name == "a").ToList();
What should I do to turn off caching?
Specify the service in your configuration file:
<add name="Xrm" type="Microsoft.Xrm.Client.Services.OrganizationService, Microsoft.Xrm.Client"/>
Another bypass I found which can be used, its not perfect and people might give me bad reviews.
But you can always use a query which always changes with a random number or other random code:
Random r = new Random();
int rInt = r.Next(-100000000, 100000000);
var l = _crmService.EntitySet.where(m => m.name == "a" && m.name!=rInt.ToString()).ToList();