I am doing Eclipse plugin development. I am using the class MessageDialog
. The API can be found here.
I want to add a link like I did about with "here" in the message of the MessageDialog
Here is what I am doing:
String errorMessage = "You have received an error. Please visit " + URL_NEEDED_HERE
MessageDialog.openError(getShell(), "Get Existing Data Sources Error", errorMessage);
The URL keeps showing up as just a String. Is it possible for it to show as a link?
As @greg-449 said, the MessageDialog
does not support links. If you don't mind the hackish approach, you can save some work and override createMessageArea
like so:
protected Control createMessageArea( Composite composite ) {
Image image = getImage();
if( image != null ) {
imageLabel = new Label( composite, SWT.NULL );
image.setBackground( imageLabel.getBackground() );
imageLabel.setImage( image );
GridDataFactory.fillDefaults().align( SWT.CENTER, SWT.BEGINNING ).applyTo( imageLabel );
if( message != null ) {
Link link = new Link( composite, getMessageLabelStyle() );
link.setText( "This is a longer nonsense message to show that the link widget wraps text if specified so. Please visit <a>this link</a>." );
.grab( true, false )
.hint( convertHorizontalDLUsToPixels( IDialogConstants.MINIMUM_MESSAGE_AREA_WIDTH ), SWT.DEFAULT )
.applyTo( link );
return composite;
The code is copied form the IconAndMessageDialog
and just replaces the Label
with a Link
Alternatively you can override createCustomArea
like so:
protected Control createCustomArea( Composite parent ) {
Link link = new Link( parent, SWT.WRAP );
link.setText( "Please visit <a>this link</a>." );
return link;
This is the designated way to add custom controls to a MessageDialg
but leads to a slightly different layout: