OpenCV - Is there an implementation of marker based reconstruction in opencv

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-23 20:35:58


Morphological reconstruction by opening is similar to basic morphological opening. However in contrast, reconstruction uses two images: a “seed” image, which specifies the values that spread, and a “mask” image.

Skimage has an implementation of it here

Matlab has an implementation which is explained very well here.

There is a StackOverflow post from year 2015 linked underneath which suggested a fairly good algorithm to address this issue. It has been two years since and I was wondering if a better implementation was released for opencv or if anyone has a better solution for the same.

Morphological Reconstruction in OpenCV

I would prefer to not mix 2 libraries (opencv and skimage) and am trying to find if there is an opencv method to do morphological reconstruction. I am not looking for ready to consume code any pointers are appreciated.

