How do I specify my own icons so they show up in a Google Endpoints API discovery document?

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-23 20:19:32


I've tried to get the icons section to contain my own icons, rather than google search ones by trying to monkey patch ApiConfigGenerator.get_descriptor_defaults. Unfortunately these are ignored/discarded when the discovery document is finalized.

 "kind": "discovery#restDescription",
 "etag": "...",
 "discoveryVersion": "v1",
 "id": "acme:v1",
 "name": "acme",
 "version": "v1",
 "description": "Acme API",
 "ownerDomain": "",
 "ownerName": "Google",
 "icons": {
  "x16": "",  # <-- acme icon url here!
  "x32": ""   # <--
 "protocol": "rest",
 "baseUrl": "",
 "basePath": "/_ah/api/acme/v1/",
 "rootUrl": "",
 "servicePath": "acme/v1/",
 "batchPath": "batch",
 "parameters": {

How do I work around this, if at all?


This is not supported yet in the google.appengine.api.endpoints library but is possible if you specify icon16 and icon32 in the API config. To do this, you can monkey patch the pretty_print_config_to_json method on the ApiConfigGenerator class, or subclass it and monkey patch the class in the google.appengine.ext.endpoints.api_config module.

For example, we import the module and save the original class before monkey patching the module:

import json
from google.appengine.ext.endpoints import api_config
OriginalConfigGenerator = api_config.ApiConfigGenerator

Then we define a subclass to replace it:

class NewConfigGenerator(OriginalConfigGenerator):

and then override the method which produces the API config:

  def pretty_print_config_to_json(self, services, hostname=None):
    descriptor = super(NewConfigGenerator, self).pretty_print_config_to_json(
        services, hostname=hostname)
    descriptor = json.loads(descriptor)

once you have the config dictionary, you can add your own keys and return it:

    descriptor['icon16'] = 'YOUR-16x16-ICON-LINK'
    descriptor['icon32'] = 'YOUR-32x32-ICON-LINK'
    # This will be slower than overwriting __api_descriptor
    # due to the json.parse/json.loads having to occur twice
    # but hacking around private methods is a pain.
    return json.dumps(descriptor, sort_keys=True, indent=2)

and finally, be sure to monkey patch the module before actually creating an API:

api_config.ApiConfigGenerator = NewConfigGenerator

This could be done, for example, by putting this monkey patch in a file like and then using

import monkey_patch

in the file where your API classes are defined. Hope this helps.

