I would like to query a table having multiple rows, each with a timestamp
with data coming at ten minute intervals. I would like to find the beginning of any missing data, which is where there is not a timestamp
equaling the next ten minute interval, like this:
select a.[timestamp]
from [table] as a
where not exists (select 1
from [table] as b
where a.[id] = b.[id]
and b.[timestamp] = dateadd(mi, 10, a.[timestamp]))
order by a.[timestamp]
I have this so far, but I fail to see how to build the query to let me do the b.[timestamp] = dateadd(mi, 10, a.[timestamp]) in the query above:
Table tableAlias = null;
IList<DateTimeOffset> dateTimeOffsets = session.QueryOver(() => tableAlias)
.Where(x => x.Id == tableAlias.Id)
<insert timestamp property again here>))
.Select(x => x.Timestamp)
I can not get my head round the restriction on the sqlfuntion part - Nhibernate
just won't let me do the comparison of the sqlfunction and my timestamp.
I hope I am on the right track with the code above, but please correct me if I'm totally off with my attempt at solving this...
Kind regards
You are on the right track. You need to use Restrictions.EqProperty
instead of Restrictions.Eq
since you are comparing two projections and not a projection and a constant value.
Also, you can use an Expression
to access the TimeStamp
property of the inner query instead of using a string.
The following code works for me on Sql Server 2008, but it may require a bit of tweaking for other database engines:
Table a = null;
session.QueryOver<Table>(() => a)
.Where(t => t.Id == a.Id)
Projections.Property(() => a.TimeStamp)),
Projections.Property(() => a.TimeStamp)))
.Select(t => t.TimeStamp)
Which should generate the following SQL (at least on Sql Server 2008):
SELECT this_.TimeStamp as y0_
FROM [Table] this_
WHERE not exists (SELECT 1 /* @p0 */ as y0_
FROM [Table] this_0_
WHERE this_0_.Id = this_.Id
and dateadd(minute, 10 /* @p1 */, this_.TimeStamp) = this_.TimeStamp)