I am newbie in AS3 and learning day by day. I am looking for good AS3 code snippets/samples/small projects which I can use for learning purpose and for reference (with no dependency on Flash IDE because I use Flex SDK and Flash Develop). Also, I am specifically looking for tutorials/articles about Audio/Video streaming, creating own audio/video player, playing audio/video files and working with other media (such as images) and creating special effects. If there's any good websites(other than adobe.com) would be really really really thankful.
Thanks in Advance.
Adobe.com stinks for most documentation (Flex in a Week isn't bad). Here are a few flex/actionscript websites I use or have used:
http://actionscript.org/ Has a lot of ActionScript tutorials.
http://www.flexafterdark.com/ - some good tips and tricks.
http://active.tutsplus.com/ has some good information.
http://www.lynda.com (subscription based) has very good videos that can help you get started.
I would also highly recommend a few books. Flex 3 Bible/Flex 4 Bible/ActionScript 3.0 Bible
Google and Flex in a Week.
I recommend you to take a look at Flex Examples blog. It contains really great and really simple samples to learn.
Senocular is a great when it comes to explaining AS3. Check out his site below:
In particular his tutorial on AS3 is fantastic - it goes through everything new or challenging about AS3 like display lists and event listeners. It was the perfect primer for me when I stepped across to AS3.
Sencular is really popular on the http://www.kirupa.com forums (another good set of tutorials are there) plus I believe he works for Adobe now.
Otherwise checkout Grant Skinners work, recently he has been doing a lot JavaScript stuff, but do a search of actionscript and you will find a lot of stuff, especially around memory management.